This page is for collaboration with ideas for the official website. The "official" here meaning collaboratively published rather than any one agenda or commercial aspiration being pushed. The difference between the wiki and the official site is that the wiki is collaborative and the website intends to be definitive!
Below this line, please put you ideas on the key messages and pages for the website. When the content is stable the site can be designed and published, thanks!
- Frontpage - Showing badges
- Supporters - Links to companies, univertisies and individuals showing the TEN badge on the front page of thier website
- Ratings - The outcome(s) of the EERS focus group (see Exergame Rating System)
- This could be its own page, perhaps with several of the latest results also published on the Front Page.
- Media Releases - List of media releases made by TEN (see THE EXERGAME NETWORK (TEN) PAGE )
- Ask the Experts - Free consultation from a focus group on exergaming to help people design, implement and problem solve. Use info@exergamenetwork.org and web form
- perhaps for private questions only, otherwise all questions and answers should be in the open forum?
- Add a 'Live Chat' widget to the frontpage to have questions answered by any moderators who may be online at the time
- Exergaming FAQs - Consultancy questions will be altered for anonymity and published for the benefit of others.
- Put the link on the Front page, but the link loads to the Forum Page.
- RSS feeds from related sites
- Twitter Widget showing updates from moderators and likeminded twitters
- TEN skype call widget
- TEN Links section for our Facebook, Linked In and Wiki
- ENGAGE with EXERGAMES Locations globally where one can join, try, compete and experience exergaming (sponsored links, perhaps) - can include research facilities, commercial venues, arcades, schools, YMCA and other types
- ???
- Forum - Separate page. Open forums should be encouraged to promote the advocacy and consultancy aspects of TEN.
- Incorporating 'Exergaming FAQ's' Public, community and general queries feedback and discussion areas.
- Members: Membership profiles and links (what ning.com used to be before it turned into a more exclusive/paid service)
- Chat Rooms: Someone should be online at all times so people can answer questions about exergames and/or navigate the website better (site map)
- Blog - Perhaps the second Tab (Page).
- All moderators can add blog updates on the latest goings on in Exergaming
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- Media Page - linked to from the front page.
- Best videos, pics etc with a well designed gallery to make viewing easy and fun
- ???
- ???
- Games - Free games page of online and / or downloadable games
- Downloadable Serious Games such as 'remission'
- Popcap, playnormous etc
- ???
- Contests!
- There should some cool contests on how consumers/users can win games/platforms (from the people/companies who are contributing to this site)
- ???
- ???
- Mission Statement.
- To advocate the benefits of exergaming to the wider community using the best interactive technologies available: Podcasting, Vodcasting, Webinars, 'real world' seminars and talks, blog, forum, Q&A live sessions with chat and chat rooms. Encourage visitors to the site by use of these communication applications to interact and contribute to the live content of the site. Also utilize the existing massive resevoir of resource we have and re-present this material on organised and publicised web events. etc
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